Some Minecraft worlds, which are all randomly generated, turn out better than others. Sometimes, a player will spawn right next to a village, a desert temple, and a ruined portal. Other times, the spawn ends up in the middle of a dense jungle next to a vast ocean.

The good worlds, which are delineated by random seeds, are a lot more helpful for players. It is, therefore, worthwhile to find out which seed so that it can be replicated later.
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Knowing the seed also helps when the player needs to find something and uses a copy and the /locate command. The seed is pretty important to know, but it's not so easily found. Here's how to find it in Minecraft.
Note: The method detailed below only works for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Players running Java Edition can use the /seed command in the chat box to get the world seed.
Also check: Minecraft seed map
Finding a Minecraft world's seed
Seeds are a random string of numbers associated with a specific Minecraft world generation. The seed can be any combination of numbers. It could be 17463 or -993846892737. There are infinite world possibilities in Minecraft, thus infinite seed designations.

In order to find the world seed, the world will need to be created first. It can't be done before a world is created because the generation hasn't begun yet. Once a world is created, the seed can be found in the world settings. A seed can be entered here, but the random world seed won't show up until after.
In the pause menu, navigate to Settings. The first setting it opens to is the World setting. From there, the seed is just a short scroll away. The seed will be underneath the World Type setting, which is usually infinite. There, the seed will be listed, but it can't be copied or anything. Minecraft players who want to replicate or share this seed will need to write it down or record it somehow.
After a world is created, the seed cannot be changed. That determines the generation of the world and can't be edited after a world is generated.
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